Strangling the Second Amendment

By Tyler Yzaguirre

August 2, 2022


On July, 212 despicable Democrats and 2 reprehensible Republicans passed H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, penned by gun-grab communist Congressman David Cicilline which was introduced in March 2021.


The bill's summary reads, 


"This bill makes it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semi-automatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD)."


Specifically, this bill bans what it dubs "semi-automatic assault weapons," which include a long list of arbitrary items including a grenade launcher feature.


Worse yet, H.R. 1808 bans all AR and AK models. 


In full disclosure, H.R. 1808 does contain a Grandfather Clause protecting currently owned so called assault weapons, but overbears the owner with draconian and tyrannical rules to follow. 


H.R. 1808 imposes the following measures on grandfathered semi-automatic assault weapons: 

  • Safe storage laws

  • Heavily regulated background checks for private sales/transfers

  • Limiting temporary custody

  • Restricted transportation and usage


According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), there are 20 million legally owned AR-15s in circulation throughout the country; they are part of a total of 393 million guns owned by U.S. civilians


Thanks to HellerMcDonald, and Bruen clarifying and strengthening the Second Amendment, law-abiding citizens stand firm in their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, unconnected from military service, within and outside their homes for self-defense. 


According to Heller and Caetano, the Second Amendment applies to all "weapons in common use" despite their non-existence in 1791. 


By passing such heinous legislation, Cicilline and his Congressional Comrades are directly violating their Oath to the Constitution and ignoring the law of the land handed down by the United States Supreme Court. 


But as we know, Demagogue Democrats only care about control and strengthening their grip of tyranny to bleed every drop of freedom out of We The People; they strengthen their grip by lying to Americans and manipulating the emotions of those most vulnerable.


The biggest lie in gun-grab Democrats' playbook is the term "Assault Weapon." 


There is no such thing as an assault weapon. 


The origin of the term “Assault Weapon” is not 100% clear. 


According to the Nexis News database, the first mention of “assault weapons” appeared in a 1980 New York Times story. Over the past several decades, gun-control proponents have heavily relied on this terminology and have blanket-applied it to any firearm they want to restrict. 


Fast-forward to 1994 when Democrats passed the first Assault Weapons Ban that miserably failed. A Congressionally mandated study of the federal assault weapons ban from 1994-2004 found that the ban had no impact on crime. 


It concluded, "Should it be renewed, the ban's effect on gun violence is likely to be small at best." - Christopher S. Koper, report to the National Institute of Justice, June 2004. 


Gun control activists rely heavily on fear-based language to persuade Americans that guns are inherently evil and that the only solution is to pass stricter gun control laws. Assault is an action, a verb, not a noun. 


According to the FBI Expanded Homicide Crime Explorer, from 2010-2020, 5,034 homicides involved a blunt object (hammer, club, etc.), whereas only 3,385 homicides involved a rifle. Unfortunately, the data does not specify what type of rifles. 


If the Gun Control Cabal wanted to curb crime, they would focus on blunt object legislation.


Regardless of legislation or laws, criminals will have access to illegal firearms, and law-abiding citizens will be sitting ducks, ripe for theft, assault, rape, and murder. 


The future of our Second Amendment rights depends on patriotic Americans stepping up for the fight. No matter what gun control proponents throw at us, we must remain vigilant. 


"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

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Tyler Yzaguirre is a gun rights policy expert, President of the Second Amendment Institute, and author of Gun Rights 101. You can follow him on Twitter @RealTylerYz.